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Google Sheets: Make a chart with end and starting dates

  1. #1
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    Question Google Sheets: Make a chart with end and starting dates

    Hello, I am working with Google Sheets and I have the attached sample Workbook which was downloaded from Drive.

    What I have:
    • Each task has a start date and an end date.
    • The start date of the first task i.e. C6 will be the first date that has to be plotted since the project starts with this task.
    • Also, each task has a State which determines if the task is: Not started, In progress or Finished (the background color changes accordingly).
    • A section of Comments was created to indicate if the task is delayed i.e. if a not started task or in a progress task are not finished before today's date.
    • NOTE: The date format must be DD/MM/YYYY or DD/MM.

    I need to create in Google Sheets the (incomplete) chart of the attached image.
    • The chart must contain all of the enumerated tasks (in rows) and a period to be determined by me on how many days it progress (in the image it is every 1 week starting from C6) (in columns).
    • Each bar has to be filled depending on the State (red if it were not started, yellow if it is in progress or green if it is finished).
    • To the right of each bar, the duration in days of each task must be shown (in the image they are 12, 20, 9, ...).
    • NOTE: Some tasks are not drawn correctly since it would take me a long time to draw them.

    Is that possible using Google Sheets? How can we do it? Thanks!
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    Last edited by elmit; 05-06-2021 at 08:14 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Google Sheets: Make a chart with end and starting dates

    I'm not as familiar with Google Sheets charting engine, but it certainly seems possible. What I see in your picture is basically a Gantt chart (which is basically a stacked bar chart with the right combinations of data series). Your picture shows three visible data series; I expect there will need to be some invisible data series in order to get everything lined up correctly. It often seems that most of the work for this is in the spreadsheet -- arranging the data, computing start dates and durations, and so on. Once the spreadsheet is put together, creating the chart should mostly be about inserting a stacked bar chart and formatting the different elements the way you want them formatted.

    Here's a Gantt chart tutorial I found https://www.howtogeek.com/447783/how...google-sheets/ It's simpler than what you are looking for, but it should provide a good starting point for understanding how to build a Gantt chart as a stacked bar chart. Once you understand how the simpler Gantt chart works, then it should be relatively easy to expand it to multiple data series like in your picture.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

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