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Google Sheets: Synchronization and maintain action log maintain

  1. #1
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    Post Google Sheets: Synchronization and maintain action log maintain

    In our company, we use Google Sheets to maintain action logs.
    We have several meetings and we have several action logs based on the topics.
    In this action log, some actions are assigned to team members.
    But it is hard to visit all available action logs to find the responsible/assigned actions for me and update my status.
    What is the best way to synchronize these action logs and develop a single sheet for an individual team members?
    Need your support to solve this

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor janmorris's Avatar
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    Google Sheets (& Mac 2021)

    Re: Google Sheets: Synchronization and maintain action log maintain

    "synchronize" implies a 2 way update of data, for that you will require Apps Scripts.

    If you really just need a master list to separate data out to individuals, then you may be able to do this with filter() and importrange().
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