I was able to importrange from two sheets but the problem is due to range mentioned in first sheet there are blank row between the data of two sheets.
=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("179zBHujwfCU-RX5378E7u5lfiVc5sNlK95ikemijRkY","'7 May 2024 - 20 May 2024'!H253:X270"); IMPORTRANGE("1AVAPqGRvAffQ1ANAdjzU5cYMGLvXIqZqy8CgsAqxZLM","'7 May 2024 - 20 May 2024'!I74:Y100")}, "select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col11,Col12,Col13,Col14,Col15,Col16,Col17")
This results in 1st sheet data sets followed by blank cells and then by the 2nd spreadsheet data set, is there a way to remove the blank cells? if yes, every time each spreadsheet was updated will the master column adjust as well?
Additionally, would just want to remove the blank cells between the two separate spreadsheets/url. The blanks within each column from the data set should remain next to each other
after importance the blank row between the two data should be deleted. or is there a way to check the last non blank cell of sheet 1 and import only that range