Hi there! I have three formula that I want to combine into one.

=arrayformula(filter('TEST DB'!B:J; 'TEST DB'!I:I=B7))
=arrayformula(filter('Swindon 20K - 38K'!B:J; 'Swindon 20K - 38K'!I:I=B7))
=arrayformula(filter('Swindon 12.7K - 20K'!B:J; 'Swindon 12.7K - 20K'!I:I=B7))

each of these formulae display records from separate sheets based on a value indicated in cell B7. I want to turn it into one formula that displays results from all three sheets.

I am aware I have not posted a spreadsheet, but don't think it is really necessary.
