I haven't tried Micro before, please I need help,

I need to use button for each function.

Everyday I download excel file (with different file name with different content), What I need are the following

From Button 1: Display data
1. Display specific cell. For example i only need all values from cell A (name of the cell is "SKU") which contains the Name of Item,
cell C (name of cell is "Price") which has the item's SRP and cell F (name of cell is "Sale Price") which contains item's promo price.

Button 2: Remove all numbers after "-"
2. SKU looks like this "FI23AA3HY787-1231543" what I only need to display is this "FI23AA3HY787"

Button 3: Removes all duplicate.
3. I need to remove all duplicates. example
SKU | price | sale price
FI23AA3HY787 | $20 | $10
FI23AA3HY787 | $20 | $10
FI23AA3HY723 | $30 | $10

And output should be like this:
SKU | price | sale price
FI23AA3HY787 | $20 | $10
FI23AA3HY723 | $30 | $10

and after removing duplicates, there will be pop up msg, that shows how many were deleted. and how many remains.

I know this is too much to ask but I am so desperate, I have no background in coding.