Thanks for letting me join! Live in Perth, Western Australia (freezing cold at the moment…although Pertherts are in denial – winters are cold, even in sunny WA!). Originally from South Africa. Dad of two, lived in Hong Kong for 14 years and in Oz for about five years in total now. I'm a starting up a business which is recruitment related. I'm working on a new model for recruiting specialist, mid-senior engineering and IT people. Asia/Pacific is my starting point and backyard, but my customers are a mobile bunch and can be based anywhere. My main interest is to use the best technologies I can find, to create a kind, friendly and efficient user experience, one which "puts people first". Obviously that's what recruiters do anyway, right? Well, no, most don't - it's an industry best known for treating people badly (and I mean, everyone gets a raw deal). I want to change this. Simply make it better. Easily said but hard-to-do. I'm interested in database, web design, networking and "unified collaboration" – video, audio, data. I’m a veteran recruiter but novice techie – love technology and learning as much as I can. I found a useful post here and hope to contribute through sharing my experiences – as dramatic as start-ups can be. So far my little adventure has been a crazed mix of comedy, horror, insomnia and occasionally, pure joy. Thanks guys!