I have a report that is getting rather lengthy and in order to shorten it up, I would like to combine 4 tables into one lookup that populates based on a drop down list. Currently, I have 4 separate data sets using a maximum of 4 sumproduct lookups per line (8 columns per line of data). I would like to have one table that uses a drop down list to populate the data set. The 4 lookups are in separate columns and include Period End, Facility, Payor Group and Managed Care. If I select the dropdown "Date" I would like data set to lookup the "date" column and sumproduct each of the 4 lookups. If I select Faciltiy, each facility will be listed and I can look up the correct "facility" column using the 4 sumproducts. Numbers change in each column based on whether it is the date, facility, payor group or managed care group.

Date dropdown:
Period End Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5 Data6 Data7 Data8
2015-07 $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx
2015-08 $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx
2016-06 $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx

Facility Drop Down:
Fac1 $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx
Fac2 $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx
Fac3 $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx $xxxx

Is this possible? I still need to use sumproduct because all the data being populated in these data sets is based on a Service Line selection at the top of the report.
