Well thanks to a bit of help elsewhere I am happily using the following code

Dim pos() As Integer , cnt() As Integer 
listofnames = Array("Fred", "Jim", "Syd") 
Redim pos(UBound(listofnames)) 
Redim cnt(UBound(listofnames)) 
Set folderitems = ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items 
For Each mitem In folderitems 
    strt = Len(mitem.body) 
    For i = 0 To UBound(pos) 
        pos(i) = InStrRev(mitem.Body, listofnames(i), strt) 
        If pos(i) > 0 Then strt = pos(i): firstfnd = listofnames(i) 
    For i = 0 To UBound(listofnames) 
        If listofnames(i) = firstfnd Then cnt(i) = cnt(i) + 1: exit For 
For i = 0 To UBound(listofnames) 
    msg = msg & listofnames(i) & " count of emails = " & cnt(i) & vbnewline 
MsgBox msg
However, I now need a slightly different variation to find the last occurence of a name in a bunch of emails

PHP code would be "strripos" instead of "InStrRev" but is there a way to do it on outlook?

I'll bet its pretty simple and im just being stupid