Dear Seniors and All members,

First of all, would like to introduce myself to this outlook cell, I am new to this section and this is my first post under this..

I am making a process to book Resources through outlook 2010. My Scenario is little complicated:

1. My requirements with example:
a. We have 2 board rooms
b. Projectors in both rooms
c. Camera 1, depends upon requirement.
d. Sitting capacity: 1 room has 30 seats and 2nd room has 10 seats.
2. If anyone book a boardroom, let's take for 2 hours(from 10am to 12 pm) for 5 people with camera and projector. When anyone book, a mail should be sent 3 person for Approval of the time and facilities..
3. Once the Approval done, then the same mail should be sent to everyone in the company.
After that
4. The time slot which was booked should be locked for other, others can view that but can not book the same resource as well facility at the same time.

This is what my project is.. I believe this may not be possible coz I searched alot but could not find any way to make a setup of this..

I think someone from this site may help me with my research work.. If anyone comes with solution, kind do not forget to explain in details about the solution.

Eagerly waiting for reply on my first POST.

Kunal Kumar