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Inserting text from external TXT (UTF-8) file between slides, macro modification

  1. #1
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    Question Inserting text from external TXT (UTF-8) file between slides, macro modification

    I have a list of Polish words written exactly like this in the txt file:

    I wish:
    1. that there be a separate slide on each of these words
    2. that the slides are created between already existing slides (1. old slide - new slide "arbuz", 2. old slide - new slide - "bąk", 3. old slide - new slide "chór", etc.)
    3. that each word is in the middle of the slide
    4. so that I can define the same font size every new slide should have the same font I defined)
    5. it would properly import Polish characters

    I found this macro:
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    Unfortunately, it only meets conditions 1) and 3). Moreover, it does not support Polish characters (UTF-8). How can I modify this macro?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert CK76's Avatar
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    Re: Inserting text from external TXT (UTF-8) file between slides, macro modification

    To read UTF-8 char set, you'd need to use ADO.Stream.

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    Try incorporating this into the code. I don't have time for rest of your issue at the moment. It would help, if you can upload sample along with desired result (zipped).
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