
I have to generate an XY Chart (a full sheet) out of transistor
parameterized data. (The parameter is the voltage applied to the base,
and X and Y refer to Collector current and Collector-Emitter-Voltage,
respectively. But this shouldn't matter). The data is on another sheet
and it looks like that:

Trans1 Trans2
Param1 Param2 .... Param10 Param1 Param2...
X Y X Y X Y X Y...

The curves appear as follows:
Different symbols for different parameters
Different colors for different Transistors.

That is, the X-Y-Curve of Trans1-Param1 is drawn with red crosses (for
instance). the X-Y-Curve of Trans1-Param2 is drawn with read circles.
The X-Y-Curve of Trans2-Param1 draws with blew crosses, and
Trans2-Param2 draws with blew circles, and so on, up to

I have found the legend to be strongly coupled with the curves, but I
would have a different legend.

Instead of having legens entries Trans1_Param1, Trans1_Param2,
....Trans6_Param10, i.e. all combinations, I just would like to have
this legend:

+++ Param1 ----- Trans1
ooo Param2 ----- Trans2
----- Trans6
@@ Param10

That is, the Param legend entries should appear with their
corresponding symbols, but in black. The TransX legend entries should
appear as lines in their corresponding colors.

Is there a way to perform this in Excel VBA? I mean, this is probably
the legend humans want for parameterized data, especially if they are
used to Matlab, Diadem, and so on

Any help would be great.

Best regards
