Hi all,

We have "The Bad Threads" and some other threads in the Water Cooler where people exchange info about problematic threads. The original intention was to highlight threads where things go wrong, be they communication breakdown, silly attitudes or funny twists in the life of a thread.

Sometimes, though, we may get stuck in a thread and need help from other members to solve a problem, and we hope that someone else will come along, have a look at the situation and provide some fresh insights that can lead to a solution.

The moderators frequently call on each other if they encounter a problem they cannot solve under their own steam.

But for the other members, there is no single port of call to ask for assistance from other members when a thread seems to be stuck.

Therefore, I'd like to start this thread for all members of Excelforum.

If an exchange between the Original Poster (OP) and a member does not lead to a solution, it will more often than not just be abandoned, since a lot of members won't check out threads that already have received a few replies.

How do you call in other members to have a look at a thread and provide a new/fresh/different approach, or just another pair of eyes? So far, we don't have a structured way of doing this. We just hope that someone else will come along and have a look. Most times that does not happen and the OP will be stuck with their problem. They may go elsewhere and not return to Excelforum again.

Enter the "Cavalry thread".

If you find yourself in a situation where you can't provide a working solution for the Original Poster (OP), but you think that a solution could be achieved with the help of some other members here, you can post a reply to this thread and ask other members of Excelforum to go have a look (remember to post a link to the thread ).

I'm sure that "calling in the Cavalry" for help will result in more solved questions, and we will have more happy Excelforum campers, who will return to Excelforum for good and sound advice from a variety of top-notch Excel specialists.

We all spend a lot of time trying to help people conquer their Excel challenges. We all feel good when a question has been answered and the OP acknowledges that. So, call the Cavalry if you're stuck, so as a group we can help the OP find a solution for their question.

How about it?
