... having reached 7000 posts today! Oops, this makes it 7001 (blush). And just looking for a couple of rep points to make that a nice round number too ... although I suspect it's not the done thing to shout about rep points

I enjoy this forum, despite the various issues (stability, politics, baggage, and so on). I'm taking the personal stance that I will avoid becoming embroiled in all the long drawn out dialogues on the past, or even current, points of debate. It would be good, I think, if others could take a similar viewpoint. I don't want this thread to become yet another vehicle for people to vent so, if possible, can we just keep this one positive ... it is, after all, my celebration.

I like the rep system ... getting rep points makes me feel I've got a record of a positive achievement. I know there's debate on that topic, too, but not here please. The in-thread thank-you's are also very rewarding, but less easy to keep track of, though very nice.

But, most of all, I enjoy answering the questions that I can answer, and learning from the alternatives offered and the answers to questions that I can't help with.

So, here's to the next 1000 posts and the next 100 rep points ...

Kind regards, TMS

Edit: just realised it doesn't up the post count because it's in the Water Cooler ... so that's OK