Hello Guru team

I look (ok recently lurk) on this forum as well as my primary thread which is VBA programing

I am constantly amazed at the good grace the team respond to requests for help, I have tried a few times to assist OP and, to my amazement, have sometimes actually solved the problem they face.

I should say that in a previous life I was a green screen developer in 3rd Generation (ok maybe also earlier as well) languages with little knowledge of what you seem to take for granted (stuff like collections that allow for stuff like "for each ws in workbook syntax).

I am gradually building a collection of "vba code" that "does stuff" but there are many instances when I need to post a simple "I have never done this before and I know it is basic but" question.

What amazes me is that people with thousands of post will take the time to respond to a "if you read the manual you would probably have found the answer
by yourself" (ok I plead guilty in some cases myself )

Personally, I try to help where I can, often that is how to solve a "business issue" rather than a syntax problem.

Rambling a bit, sorry, just want to say the support the guys give is amazing (sorry if I have accidentally offended 52% of the world, in my world "guys" is very non gender specific(

" a very green contributor when I can help"
