
Column A contains strings which represent dates and times that have been formatted as \"mmm d yyyy h:mm:ss PM/AM\".
We want to extract the date and time from each string, place them in separate cells, and convert them into properly formatted date and time values.


To extract dates, use the MID, LEFT, FIND, and SUBSTITUTE functions as shown in the following formula:
=(--(MID(A2,5,2)&\" \"&LEFT(A2,3)&\" \"&MID(A2,FIND(\" \",SUBSTITUTE(
A2,\" \",\"\",1))+2,4)))
Enter the above formula in column B and format as \"mm/dd/yyyy\".

To extract times, use the MID, FIND, and SUBSTITUTE functions as shown in the following formula:
=(--(MID(A2,FIND(\" \",SUBSTITUTE(A2,\" \",\"\",1))+7,255)))
Enter the above formula in column C and format as \"h:mm PM/AM\".