I'm trying to do this so that i can paste this link to OPs whenever needed. If Admins/Mods find this useful, you guys can probably sticky this thread.
1. Provide a sample Excel file. It is generally preferred to a picture or a thread full of words
2. Sample file should:
i) indicate which cells you want the answers in.
ii) contain Before/After or desired answers.
iii) explain how those in (ii) are arrived, in layman's terms.
additional points to consider:
iv) colour the cells on how /where to get the answers (sometimes not possible though)
v) try to maintain same cell references as actual file so that you do not have to change the formulas we provide when you transfer back to your own file.
vi) have a few examples/scenarios (not just 1 row so that we can see a pattern, and not your whole spreadsheet of thousands of rows where it is unnecessary).
vii) make sure you remove sensitive data
having all of the above ensures that you don't have to write long descriptions & it helps us zoom straight into the problem. here are some examples that reiterate my points.