I have tried to deploy the 2 MID concepts-Statement vs. Function to effect replacements in a range-----and have gotten stuck in a spin.

Consider, lines of string like:

*** CODE1 Begins here ****
<some other lines>
*** CODE2 Begins here ****
<some other lines>
etc. etc. etc.

occupying Range("A1:A2150").

I need to convert to comments all lines beginning with asterick (*) and have them read as follows:

Rem CODE1 Begins here ****
<some other lines>
Rem CODE2 Begins here ****

The code I stitched up (largely to test out the nuances of the MID FUNCTION and MID STATEMENT) is:

Sub CommentOutWithRem()

Dim c as variant ' as Range or Object produces MisMatch errors
For each c in Range("a1:a2150")
If Mid(c,1,1)="*" Then Mid(c,1,3)="REM"
'the sticky point follows in making an assignment:
'note, no action takes place if the code ends here.

c.value =c.value 'error: object required
c.Value = Mid(c, 1, 3) = "REM" 'error: object required
End if


End sub

Can someone kindly unknot the problem here? [I have very easily applied other routine constructs to do what I want the code to do but there are obviously useful lessons to be learnt about theinteraction of the MID function and its kin, the statement.

Many thanks in advance.