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urgent plz; project/library compile error

  1. #1

    urgent plz; project/library compile error

    We use a standard corporate Excel 2003 install. I just finished a project
    and wanted to make sure users were accessing the file from our network (not
    a local copy) and added the code below. Most users haven't had any problems,
    but on roll-out (after the pilot went fine) we are getting reports of a
    compile error (can't find project or library). Looking at the following
    code, the only think I can think of is that maybe not all users have the
    mpr.dll? What is the appropriate way to determine if it exists, and if it
    does, make sure it is added?

    Also, the stuff in the code module below was from a web page without any
    indication of the original author (and therefore, no copyright). I like to
    include references even in internal code wherever possible...I don't sell
    stuff for profit, but it is still just considerate to do- so what is the
    appropriate protocol when you don't know who's code snippet it is?


    [The particular line of code where it stops is in the workbook_open;]

    If UCase(zNetPath) <> UCase("\\mynetwork\myfolder") Then 'this was the
    highlighted line in my customer's screenshot
    MsgBox "Can't find file ", , "File location error"
    End If

    and GetUNC is:

    [and in my code module:]

    Public zNetPath

    Declare Function WNetGetConnectionA Lib "mpr.dll" _
    (ByVal lpszLocalName As String, _
    ByVal lpszRemoteName As String, _
    cbRemoteName As Long) As Long

    Public Sub GetUNCPath()

    Dim lReturn As Long
    Dim szBuffer As String

    szBuffer = String$(256, vbNullChar)
    lReturn = WNetGetConnectionA(ActiveWorkbook.Path, szBuffer, 256)

    If lReturn = 0 Then
    zNetPath = Left$(szBuffer, InStr(szBuffer, vbNullChar))
    zNetPath = Left(zNetPath, Len(zNetPath) - 1)
    If UCase(ActiveWorkbook.Path) = UCase("\\mynetwork\myfolder") Then
    zNetPath = ("\\mynetwork\myfolder")
    zNetPath = "not found"
    End If
    End If

    End Sub

    The enclosed questions or comments are entirely mine and don't represent the
    thoughts, views, or policy of my employer. Any errors or omissions are my

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date

    urgent plz; project/library compile error


    Open your's excel (assuming code is working fine at your machine). Press Alt + F11 on your keyboard. Go Tools --> References. Check what is selected than select same options to those machines where code is not working. It will work after selecting same options.


    Quote Originally Posted by KR
    We use a standard corporate Excel 2003 install. I just finished a project
    and wanted to make sure users were accessing the file from our network (not
    a local copy) and added the code below. Most users haven't had any problems,
    but on roll-out (after the pilot went fine) we are getting reports of a
    compile error (can't find project or library). Looking at the following
    code, the only think I can think of is that maybe not all users have the
    mpr.dll? What is the appropriate way to determine if it exists, and if it
    does, make sure it is added?

    Also, the stuff in the code module below was from a web page without any
    indication of the original author (and therefore, no copyright). I like to
    include references even in internal code wherever possible...I don't sell
    stuff for profit, but it is still just considerate to do- so what is the
    appropriate protocol when you don't know who's code snippet it is?


    [The particular line of code where it stops is in the workbook_open;]

    If UCase(zNetPath) <> UCase("\\mynetwork\myfolder") Then 'this was the
    highlighted line in my customer's screenshot
    MsgBox "Can't find file ", , "File location error"
    End If

    and GetUNC is:

    [and in my code module:]

    Public zNetPath

    Declare Function WNetGetConnectionA Lib "mpr.dll" _
    (ByVal lpszLocalName As String, _
    ByVal lpszRemoteName As String, _
    cbRemoteName As Long) As Long

    Public Sub GetUNCPath()

    Dim lReturn As Long
    Dim szBuffer As String

    szBuffer = String$(256, vbNullChar)
    lReturn = WNetGetConnectionA(ActiveWorkbook.Path, szBuffer, 256)

    If lReturn = 0 Then
    zNetPath = Left$(szBuffer, InStr(szBuffer, vbNullChar))
    zNetPath = Left(zNetPath, Len(zNetPath) - 1)
    If UCase(ActiveWorkbook.Path) = UCase("\\mynetwork\myfolder") Then
    zNetPath = ("\\mynetwork\myfolder")
    zNetPath = "not found"
    End If
    End If

    End Sub

    The enclosed questions or comments are entirely mine and don't represent the
    thoughts, views, or policy of my employer. Any errors or omissions are my

  3. #3
    Tom Ogilvy

    RE: urgent plz; project/library compile error

    My guess is that it is having problems with Ucase. Actually, you have a
    reference in tools=>References in the VBE that will be shown as MISSING on
    this users computer. If so, that reference needs to be fixed. This type of
    reference issue most often manifest itself on a line of code that calls a
    perfectly correct VBA function.

    a bandaid fix might be

    If UCase(zNetPath) <> VBA.UCase("\\mynetwork\myfolder") Then

    but you really need to run the code. Get the error. go to the VBE, make
    sure your workbook that contains the code is selected in the project explorer
    (thus it is the active project in the VBE), then do Tools=>References and you
    should see one or more references marked as MISSING. This/these need to be
    fixed by removing them (best done at your end and sending out a new workbook)
    or the reference found by browsing for it in the References dialog.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "KR" wrote:

    > We use a standard corporate Excel 2003 install. I just finished a project
    > and wanted to make sure users were accessing the file from our network (not
    > a local copy) and added the code below. Most users haven't had any problems,
    > but on roll-out (after the pilot went fine) we are getting reports of a
    > compile error (can't find project or library). Looking at the following
    > code, the only think I can think of is that maybe not all users have the
    > mpr.dll? What is the appropriate way to determine if it exists, and if it
    > does, make sure it is added?
    > Also, the stuff in the code module below was from a web page without any
    > indication of the original author (and therefore, no copyright). I like to
    > include references even in internal code wherever possible...I don't sell
    > stuff for profit, but it is still just considerate to do- so what is the
    > appropriate protocol when you don't know who's code snippet it is?
    > Thanks!!
    > Keith
    > [The particular line of code where it stops is in the workbook_open;]
    > GetUNCPath
    > If UCase(zNetPath) <> UCase("\\mynetwork\myfolder") Then 'this was the
    > highlighted line in my customer's screenshot
    > MsgBox "Can't find file ", , "File location error"
    > End If
    > and GetUNC is:
    > [and in my code module:]
    > Public zNetPath
    > Declare Function WNetGetConnectionA Lib "mpr.dll" _
    > (ByVal lpszLocalName As String, _
    > ByVal lpszRemoteName As String, _
    > cbRemoteName As Long) As Long
    > Public Sub GetUNCPath()
    > Dim lReturn As Long
    > Dim szBuffer As String
    > szBuffer = String$(256, vbNullChar)
    > lReturn = WNetGetConnectionA(ActiveWorkbook.Path, szBuffer, 256)
    > If lReturn = 0 Then
    > zNetPath = Left$(szBuffer, InStr(szBuffer, vbNullChar))
    > zNetPath = Left(zNetPath, Len(zNetPath) - 1)
    > Else
    > If UCase(ActiveWorkbook.Path) = UCase("\\mynetwork\myfolder") Then
    > zNetPath = ("\\mynetwork\myfolder")
    > Else
    > zNetPath = "not found"
    > End If
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > --
    > The enclosed questions or comments are entirely mine and don't represent the
    > thoughts, views, or policy of my employer. Any errors or omissions are my
    > own.

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