
I have a macro that cuts and pastes certain columns from one workbook to another. Here is what I have (which works fine, but is slow because I have lots of columns to fill):

Windows("" & var_Download_Filename).Activate
Sheets("" & var_Download_sheetname).Select
Range("A" & int_Download_Firstrow & ":A" & int_Download_Lastrow).Select

Windows("" & var_Template_filename).Activate
Sheets("" & var_Template_sheetname).Select
Range("A" & int_Template_Firstrow & ":A" & int_Template_Lastrow).Select

I tried modifying my code to this:

Range("A" & int_Template_Firstrow & ":A" & int_Template_Lastrow).Value = Range("A" & int_Download_Firstrow & ":A" & int_Download_Lastrow).Value

Is there something wrong with it? Because when I checked column "A", it was blank. Please help. Thanks!!