So I would consider myself a 9/10 master of Excel...Pivots, tables, VBA, formulas, etc. I've done it before or at the very least can figure it out fairly quickly.

That said, I'd like to move forward with learning and understanding Access and SQL; I learn from necessity and never had need to learn before. Can any of you provide any learning tools? Books, CDs/DVDs, websites...??

I've read that it's best to forget about Excel and act as if one has no knowledge of Excel...otherwise, Access can get quite confusing in learning it. Regardless, I would assume the LOGIC and REASONING skills would be similar when building tables and developing/writing code as at the very ground floor, it's still a set of data needing manipulation.

Thanks for your help!!

P.S. => Today's my birthday...kudos to the site for sending me an email wishing me a happy day!