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Dependent Drop Down Lists

  1. #1
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    Dependent Drop Down Lists

    PFA Excel,

    I have data in the Data Set tab and want to create a dependant dropdown list in C3 meaning only selections relative to the value in C2 can be selected;

    E.g. C2 = Burco Maxol C3 will only display Microturbo 40 SRF & 40 MDF AND Microturbo 50 SRF & 50 MDF so on and so forth.

    I have attached an excel with some data and removed everything sensitive. Thank you.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Dependent Drop Down Lists


    You'll need a couple of changes to your workbook to get the result you need.

    1. Change the data validation for 'Calculator'!C2 to ='Data Set'!$G$2:$G$143

    2. In the range 'Data Set'!$G$2:$G$143, remove any spaces in the data entered. eg "Burco Maxol" should be replaced with "Burco_Maxol" or "Burco-Maxol" - dependant data validation relies on named ranges, the names of which cannot contain spaces.

    3. Create a named range for each of the columns in Data Set'! I through ET, with the name of the range being the manufacturer as it appears in column G
    eg, create a named range "Burco_Maxol" which references Data Set'!K2:K3
    Rule 1: Never merge cells
    Rule 2: See rule 1

    "Tomorrow I'm going to be famous. All I need is a tennis racket and a hat".

  3. #3
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    Re: Dependent Drop Down Lists

    Hi deanhall99,

    At C3, go to Data Validation, change source value to ->

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    My suggestion is to change $ET$1048576 to lesser row number (such as $ET$1000, depending on a max possible number of models per make)

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