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Maximal Aerobic test - Percentage finding.

  1. #1
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    Maximal Aerobic test - Percentage finding.


    I am a Sports Physiology Master Student and recently have done a Maximal Aerobic test on a participant. I have gathered all this data from a breath by breath measurement and have figured out their VO2max by calculating it by a 9 breath value (in yellow - vertical). The test was done a little differently, with the participant building up and stopping at a speed of 16kmph (in yellow - horizontal) and then increasing the % of incline every minute (in green), failing at 7%, at the same given speed.
    I am no guru with Excel and there is so much data in front of me that I am not sure what to do with. I was wondering if someone could either help me or provide me a formula to find the gram% of CHO and FAT that was burnt per minute of the session, in addition to the kcal(kilocalories)/min for fat and CHO per minute of the test.

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  2. #2
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    Re: Maximal Aerobic test - Percentage finding.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Maximal Aerobic test - Percentage finding.

    The forum considers me a guru with Excel, but I, too, find myself overwhelmed with that wall of data. I suspect that the problem is that, even if I might be good at Excel programming, I know next to nothing about sports physiology, so I cannot make heads or tales out of that wall of data. If you as the guru in sports physiology will help us understand the calculations and algorithms and such that a sports physiologist would use to reduce that wall of data down to "gram% of CHO" or "Fat burned per minute" and/or whatever other quantities you expect to calculate from the data, we should be able to help you program those calculations into Excel.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

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