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Appropriate formulas for a trivia database

  1. #1
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    Question Appropriate formulas for a trivia database

    Hi, I've created a database of sorts for trivia.

    In one worksheet I've got the questions sorted into categories, questions, answers, difficulty and date last used. So cell B2 =Category, C2=Questions, B2=Answers etc...

    Is it possible on a separate worksheet to have a formula or a rule to copy a question of a particular category and difficulty into my question sheet with the rule that the question hasn't been used in the last month? (a formula that I could copy for 20 different questions and just change the variable being the category)

    And then an extension of that after i've copied a question from the database to the question sheet, is it possible to copy that question with it's answer to an answer sheet on a new worksheet?

    And how can I do all of that?
    Last edited by eddiesummers; 06-25-2012 at 03:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Trivia database, I need help!

    Your post does not comply with Rule 1 of our Forum RULES. Your post title should accurately and concisely describe your problem, not your anticipated solution. Use terms appropriate to a Google search. Poor thread titles, like Please Help, Urgent, Need Help, Formula Problem, Code Problem, and Need Advice will be addressed according to the OP's experience in the forum: If you have less than 10 posts, expect (and respond to) a request to change your thread title. If you have 10 or more posts, expect your post to be locked, so you can start a new thread with an appropriate title.
    To change a Title on your post, click EDIT then Go Advanced and change your title, if 2 days have passed ask a moderator to do it for you.

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