I have a group of data that is listed as sums.


Raw Data
Joe 5
Joe 10
Fred 2
Fred 9
Tom 5
Pivot Table
Name Total
Joe    15
Fred   11
Tom    5
Grand Total 31
Average 10.33 <--- What I want to add
Now at the bottom, I would like two things. First, a count of the rows.
More important, I want the average of the totals (in this case, 31/3 = 10.33)

When I tell it to average, it just gives me the average of each person (joe goes to 7.5, fred goes to 5.5)

In regards to the count, I saw in another thread they said to just add a column that says "1" for each row, and sum that at the bottom. I would like to do this without an additional column, but if that's the only way then that is fine.
