Hi there,

I will start off by saying that I have this issue on my computer, and not on my friend's comp when opening the same file. I'll try to explain.

I have a pivot table that has a Row Label. The Row Label has more than 10K rows, of which I only need about 50. I've manually selected the 40 that I need as it appears in the 10K range, but I'm having trouble selecting the remaining 10 since it falls outside of the 10k range list limitation. To overcome this obstacle, I've selected the filter button in the pivot table for the Row Label, selected the Search field box, and began typing for the 10 additional fields that I need. The problem is, when I begin tying in search for these 10 fields, these 10 fields already have a check box next to them (along with every single field in the row labels), when in actuality, these fields have not yet been selected. I can confirm these preselected fields do not exist in the pivot table.

I'm thinking there's some setting that's triggering this and I need to just turn it off. On my friend's computer (a mac, fwiw), when he begins the search in the row label, NONE of the rows come preselected.

Hopefully I made a little sense. Any advice would be much appreciated.
