I have 2 columns in addition to a Grand Total column (and the "Row label column, so 4 total if you will):

Names Total 1 Total 2 Grand Total

The 2 total columns display as a percentage of their respective grand total. So if total 1 displays 3 and total 2 displays 7 (so a total of 10), it will display as 30% and 70% respectfully.

(excel has confused me a bit because you would think to select "Show Value as % of Parent Row Total" given that this is a row, but the percentages only seem to reflect the way i want if i do it "Show Value as % of Parent Column Total"... that is a different issue that you can feel free to enlighten me about)

Anyways, the problem is that when i try to sort the data it does it based off the actual values not the percentages. So lets say another row has a total 1 count of 25, and total 2 is a count of 75, this would be 25% and 75% respectfully. So ideally, when i sort to show largest first I would want the 30% displayed. Instead, the 25% shows first since 25 is more than 3... make sense?

Thanks for the help!