I'm working on creating a report that has a few different pivot tables on a worksheet which all are being controlled by some slicers.

I've made this same report a few times with different sets of data, and I am running into something weird. (I'm wondering if it is because this particular report has a TON more data lines than the other reports I made the exact same.)

anyways.... the line of data that the slicer is for is a list of dates. (all listed as the first day of the month.... ex: 5/1/17, 10/1/18, and so on) in the previous reports that I made it would have a button in the slicer for each individual month with the year included ex May-17, OCT-18

but on the report I am working on now the buttons on the slicer are just showing options without years included ex: Jan, Feb, Mar.... and then at the very bottom there are two grayed out buttons that show: "<2/1/2016" & " >12/2/2017"

why are the formats of the buttons displayed on this slicer different that the ones I have done in the past? and is there a way to get them to match the reports I made before?

the data lines that the reports are pulling from are in the exact same format.

I hope I explained that correctly. I'm happy to explain further.