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cannot find "show report filter pages" in 2011 for Mac

  1. #1
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    cannot find "show report filter pages" in 2011 for Mac

    There are many different references in other threads for where to find "show report filter pages" but I don't have most of the buttons or menus they speak of and it doesn't exist in the "options" function under the Data/Pivotables Ribbon. I've searched high and low in these threads from around 2012 to 2014 think that would have the relevant information albeit their are differences between the Mac and PC versions I was hoping I would find something that worked, but zilch.

    A lot of them talk that there is some options tab on the far left. They don't say next to the table, left hand end of the ribbon or graphic menu or . . . i don't see anything like that. There is an options tab most of the way to the right in the Data/Pivot Ribbon but nothing there, mostly formatting. within the diaglogue box for those options you have three choices
    Display-Layout-Data but don't find this "show report filter pages" under any of them.

    Just to confuse matters, there seem to be two ribbons when choosing Data/Pivotable from the ribbon labels and sometimes clicking "Data" toggles between them and sometimes clicking "Pivotable" and sometimes the clicking just collapses the ribbon altogether. To say there appears no rhyme nor reasons wouldn't do justice to the Phantom Tollbooth. But I digress.

    In the separate Data toggle of the Pivotable Ribbon (not the one that has the "options" choice) there is an "Analysis" Portion of the Bar that contains "PivotTable" which is greyed and doesn't allow you to see what greyed options there might be and "What-if" which is not greyed but does not have "show report filter pages".

    I have tried this while clicked in a cell of the pivot table and with the entire pivottable selected. I found one thread on a microsoft support that said if the values aren't 'groupable', whatever that means, this could be the problem. the suggestion was to check the ISNUMBER() properties. I assume that means for the values in the table. obviously the labels aren't numbers, but I checked every value cell including empty cells and they all respond "TRUE" to ISNUMBER.

    So I've run out of tricks and searches to run. Hope someone knows the trick here or alternative location, pathway for getting to "Show Report Filter Pages"



  2. #2
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: cannot find "show report filter pages" in 2011 for Mac

    I don't have 2011 available currently, but isn't it at the bottom of the dialog you get when you right click a report field?
    Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.

  3. #3
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    Re: cannot find "show report filter pages" in 2011 for Mac

    close. i got nothing right clicking on fields in the pivottable itself or in the builder, but when i made the entire report with the "All" set as the filter, I right clicked the Filter Field Name cell (above the pivottable, the left top cell (well it was left top with one filter) and there it was (maybe that is what you meant all along) . . . thanks for getting me going in the right direction

    Last edited by riwiseuse; 03-01-2021 at 09:02 AM.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: cannot find "show report filter pages" in 2011 for Mac

    Yes, sorry, I did mean filter field when I said report field.

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