Hey Everyone, I'm having a very annoying issue.

I have a large workbook with 2 very large data sets. These 2 data sets make up 4 pivot tables and each table represents a chart on a dashboard. I have created a slicer to filter this data. But because I am using 2 data sets for 1 slicer I needed to create an additional table / relationships - which I think may be causing my issues.

Here are the directions I followed to create 1 slicer that can control multiple data sets: https://career-growth.co/Excel-Tutor...-data-sources/

The issue that I am having is that my slicer (which works) is displaying the months in the order: apr, aug, dec, feb, jan....etc. When really I want it to dipslay Jan-Dec.

I have checked all fields in both of my data sets and the combined table and anything that should be formatted as a date is formatted as a date.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!