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Scatter plot line loops back from right to left

  1. #1
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    Excel 2003

    Scatter plot line loops back from right to left

    I have a very simple Excel spreadsheet (attached) and I constructed a scatter (XY) plot. However, as shown in the screenshot, the plot line goes from left to right as normal, but then loops back to the first point. The scatter plot shown has column B on the horizontal axis, and Column C on the vertical axis.

    A single-axis plot of Column C values against item (row) numbers plots correctly.

    Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong here?


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  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Scatter plot line loops back from right to left

    It looks correct to me as currently set up. The x values in column B start at 0, increase to 18+ (about row 125), then start over at 0 again. The scatter plot, as scatter plots in Excel have always done, plot the data points in the order they are presented in the spreadsheet, so the chart starts at 0, moves to the right until the x values reach 18+, then the chart returns to 0 when the data returns to 0.

    It seems that you want a different formula in column B -- something that will have a continuously increasing number even when the values in column A reset back to 74000 msec. Do you need help rethinking the formula in column B? If so, help us understand exactly what the relationship between A and B should be.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
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    Re: Scatter plot line loops back from right to left

    Thanks for the quick reply. I'm an idiot; I somehow managed to put same data in twice - once from line 2 to 125, and again from line 126 to 249 - oops!

    I've dropped robot telemetry data in to Excel so many times over the last several years with no problem that I convinced myself it had to be a problem with Excel, as CERTAINLY I wasn't to blame!

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