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Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

  1. #1
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    Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    For an insurance audit, we have to submit a list of payees' names and payments (basically the cash disbursements), and identify which of those payees is a subcontractor, because subcontractors have a different classification for insurance purposes whereby they have to have their own insurance or the policyholder gets charged for a premium for that subcontractor.

    There is no field design in the spreadsheet to indicate who is a subcontractor, and we simply submit this list of names to the insured, asking them who is a subcontractor.

    They will then edit the list, sending it back to us.

    Herein lies the problem: for we will have to edit the group, adding and deleting as needed to perfect subcontractor group for the insurance audit.

    I'm searching over the Internet, and not seeing any advice on how to edit a group once it's created, how to add or remove the names to/from the group.

    In the attached spreadsheet is the group called Subcontractors, and I'd like to add names to it or maybe even remove a name or two based upon the reply that I get back from the insured.

    Any advice on how to go about doing this?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    Attachment 868744

    This is what the group looks like after attempting to add additional items to the group.

  3. #3
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    This task of separating the subcontractors into a separate group has proven to be most challenging.

    Maybe because it’s a manually created Group, the fact that the record count is 324.

    All of the YouTube videos and Goggle searching have showed examples of small pivot tables, and how to create a group in that pivot table.

    None illustrate doing a group with such a large number of records, nor how to edit that group once it is created.

    As I saw no answers coming in t, I just thought is easier to add a field called “sub”, put a Y in there for those that are deemed subcontractors.

    After that, it was just a matter of filtering.

    The cons are that now I have to generate two separate reports, as opposed to before when I could’ve just labeled that group “Subcontractors”. Now the auditor is gonna cry “oh no, now I’ve got to go through two separate reports to get the total cash disbursements.”

    The pros are that it was relatively simple to create to subcontractor group and make edits as needed.

    It appears that the ability to edit a manually created group [that is not predicated on an existing field in the data set] in a pivot table, just by clicking and dragging (i.e. Grouping) just is not there yet, or is just not easily done.Attachment 868760

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    Can you not add the new Subcontractor field to the Rows?

  5. #5
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    I think that's what I did by adding the "Sub" column to the data set, but all the videos and instructions that I've seen on the Internet show that all you have to do is hold the control key down and right-click on the record and then click group.

    The problem is that you cannot edit or change that group.

    Plus, I think that the manually clicking and grouping works well for a small pivot table, but this pivot table ran 324 rows (which is preferable, because the data set was more than 3900 records).

  6. #6
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    YouTube video that i found on grouping in pivot tables:


    But...it doesn't show anything about "editing" (adding/removing) the items of the group.

  7. #7
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    The attachments in #2 & 3 are invalid
    Ben Van Johnson

  8. #8
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    I added a Subcontractor column to the source data.
    It uses a lookup formula to determine SubContractor records

    Within the pivot table SubContractor and PAYEE are the rows items.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. #9
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    Yes, SubContractor and PAYEE are the same row items, for they are all vendors.

    We then have to identify the "subcontractors" from the list of vendors to the auditor, saving the trouble of the auditor going through the list on their own in more than likely picking out the incorrect and misclassifying a vendor as a subcontractor.

    The original pivot table does not have a field to indicate who is a subcontractor, for out of the 324 vendors, only about 15 or so are subcontractors.

    So, it was initially thought to just manually select the subcontractors as shown in the YouTube video, but when edits were needed, it was discovered that editing the group in the pivot table is difficult, if not impossible.

    Even the procedure demonstrated in the YouTube video is for a small pivot table, will all be rose can be seen no one screen. Dealing with 324 rows is not exactly fun when you have to page up and page down multiple times to select the vendor to include in the subcontractor group that your manually creating. I found it even harder to delete a vendor from that subcontractor group that was erroneously included.

    And, it seems that with the suggestion of having to add the subcontractor column that editing the manually created subgroup is something that's not easily done.

    But, alas it seems as though that was the only viable solution, again as I was looking for a solution and Excel that just is not there at this present time

    I appreciate the feedback!

  10. #10
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    Sorry to hear that, they were screenshots of the Excel screen
    Last edited by Waverly; 05-12-2024 at 03:48 PM.

  11. #11
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    You should be able to ungroup records by right-clicking the group and selecting Ungroup. You can add new entries by selecting the group and the new items and choosing Group again.
    Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.

  12. #12
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    Yeah, that's basically re-creating the group all over again, and is not fun when you're going through 324 records, and the 13 or so records that you want to select are not consecutive. So you're scrolling through five or six screens.

    And, it is no fun when the client makes an edit to the group, sending back the list saying "oh, by the way there's another one."

    And, one would say "324 records, that's a lot for a pivot table", but when you consider the data set contains some 3000+ records, you appreciate only having 324 records.
    Last edited by Waverly; 05-13-2024 at 07:30 AM.

  13. #13
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    I didn't say it would be fun. Manually creating groups should generally be a last resort and only used if you have small data sets.

  14. #14
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    " only used if you have small data sets"

    I think you hit the nail on the head!

    From all the YouTube videos that I've seen, none mention that manually creating groups should not be used with large pivot tables.

    What this also highlights is the fact that editing the group once you've created is a no no.

  15. #15
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Editing A Manually Created Group In Pivot Table

    Quote Originally Posted by Waverly View Post
    What this also highlights is the fact that editing the group once you've created is a no no.
    It depends. Adding items to an existing group is simple enough, but removing them is a pain! Lookup tables like Andy suggested are always my preferred option.

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