
"Arturo" wrote:

> Surprising Zeros in Charts
> My model is built.
> Using #N/A - my chart displays perfectly, zeros suppressed.
> This formula is what feeds the values in my chart series.
> =IF(ISERROR(((AVERAGE(SHEET1!BE2:BM2))*(100/5))),””,((AVERAGE(SHEET1!BE2:BM2))*(100/5)))
> If I alter that error handling
> to:=IF(ISERROR(((AVERAGE(SHEET1!BE2:BM2))*(100/5))),"#N/A",((AVERAGE(SHEET1!BE2:BM2))*(100/5)))
> Zero still displays…
> If I may ask – how would I alter this formula to function they way I hope it
> would?
> Sincerely,
> Arturo