Hi people,

First time on here. Hope you guys can help me out.

I have created a pivot chart that works nicely, however on the x-axis I have a category (electoral division), and a sub-category (full-time or part-time). When I go to format axis, I set the alignment to 90 degrees. However it only turns the full-time/part-time category to 90 degrees, and my electoral division category remains horizontal (unreadable!!!)

If I place full-time/part-time ahead of elect. division, then ft/pt is horizontal and my electoral division is vertical. This is readable but not what I want.

It seems when you have subcategories on the x-axis there is only 1 option for alignment and it only will set it for one of them, that being the top layer.

Any advice? Could really use the help!

B3st r3gards,
