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Indirect functions to decide the range of data in Graphs Excel 2007

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    Can we use the Indirect functions to decide the range of data in Graphs Excel 2007

    I would be having dynamic data, dynamic as in the Rows would change always if anything is entered in the Main Data sheet.

    Now based on this data in the Result sheet the graph should get formed..

    If I have 4 rows of data then there would only appear 4 slices in a Pie Chart, however if the data increases to 5 rows then it should dynamically take 5 rows of data and come up with 5 slices or more..

    [ = INDIRECT("'RESULT'!$B$2:$C$"& COUNT(C:C)+1) ]

    I want to use the above formula in which the COUNT(C:C) would decide the number of rows present as it contains mathematical data and can be counted easily.

    The range of the data should be dynamic for the Pie chart...

    Thanks in anticipation...

    Can we use the Indirect functions to decide the range of data in Graphs Excel 2007

    I would be having dynamic data, dynamic as in the Rows would change always if anything is entered in the Main Data sheet.

    Now based on this data in the Result sheet the graph should get formed..

    If I have 4 rows of data then there would only appear 4 slices in a Pie Chart, however if the data increases to 5 rows then it should dynamically take 5 rows of data and come up with 5 slices or more..

    [= INDIRECT("'RESULT'!$B$2:$C$"& COUNT(C:C)+1) ]

    I want to use the above formula in which the COUNT(C:C) would decide the number of rows present as it contains mathematical data and can be counted easily.

    The range of the data should be dynamic for the Pie chart...

    I want this to be solved using MS Excel and not VBA preferably..

    Thanks in anticipation...

    Please anyone someone me or offer a solution...
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    Last edited by all4excel; 02-01-2008 at 01:47 PM.

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