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Interactive Chart

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Interactive Chart

    Hi, I need some help with Excel charts. I have already read the other postings and I still need help. I have also looked at some of the links that were provided in the postings - didn't help either.

    I am pretty good with Excel, but macros, VBA, etc. I need help on.

    What I need help with is, I want to create an interactive chart that can be shown in a PowerPoint. I want the chart to be graphed off of data in a workbook I already have created (can't provide b/c it is at work). I have seen charts that when you position your mouse pointer over a certain point a rollerball appears and the data changes automatically when you move the rollerball to another data point. Can someone explain in VERY SIMPLE terms and step by step instructions on how to do this? Do you have to publish the chart to the web for this to work? Can this be done with a simple line chart embedded into a PowerPoint?

    Here is a link that has an example of what I want for the chart. I basically have 10 organizations that I am tracking financial data on and I want to graph it in a chart (first starting with all organizations data on the chart) and when I move the "rollerball" over a certain organization, then I want that organization's information to be solely shown and the other organizations to be hidden.


    Please respond quickly and again with simple directions.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    That's a flash program.

    Trying to replicate that in excel would be complex enough. Requiring coding against chart events.

    To do this in powerpoint with excel source would be very difficult and complex as I doubt the required events are exposed.

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