I have created a chart type which I have named 'SERA STYLE'.

I also have created a macro that automatically formats the output of a pivot table such that whenever the pivot table is updated, the associated pivot chart maintains the same format (SERA STYLE).

The problem I have is that when another user accesses the file from the server and updates the pivot table, they get an error message as a result of the macro not being able to run through (it stops when it gets to "SERA STYLE". This is because they do not have SERA STYLE saved in their version of Excel (2003).

Note that when they first open the file the chart appears with SERA STYLE prior to them updating the table.

My question is whether there is any way to have this chart type added to their user defined chart types when they open the file for the first time?

Here is the code that automatically formats the chart:

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)

ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 3").Activate
    ActiveChart.ApplyCustomType ChartType:=xlUserDefined, TypeName:= _
        "SERA STYLE"
    ActiveChart.HasPivotFields = False
    With Selection.Border
        .Weight = 2
        .LineStyle = 0
    End With
    Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    Sheets("Occupation Chart").DrawingObjects("Chart 3").RoundedCorners = False
    Sheets("Occupation Chart").DrawingObjects("Chart 3").Shadow = False
    ActiveWindow.Visible = False
    Windows("SERA PIVOT.xls").Activate

End Sub
Many thanks,