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Pivot Table Total doesn't match data total

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Pivot Table Total doesn't match data total

    Hi Everyone!

    I have a pivot table where the grand total does not match the total of the data it is pulling from. I have refreshed the data multiple times and verified that it is indeed picking up the correct range, which it is.

    To further complicate things. When I go back to the raw data (which is roughly 50,000 lines long) I get one total when I highlight the column with the values in it. Then if I simply sort the data, the same column with the same values, no longer sums to the same total. How in the world is this possible.

    I tried subtotaling and again the subtotal does not match the total from the column before adding subtotals.

    One really stange thing...

    I tried breaking down the data a little different and put the categories that I was using in the pivot table off to the right and by using an "if" formula, I dropped the values into the correct category. All of the individual columns match the pivot table, but if I highlight all of the columns together, while I have them highlighted and have not let go of my mouse button, the sum at the bottom of the screen matches but as soon as I let go of the mouse (rows still highlighted) the sum total at the bottom of the screen changes.

    Any help would be SOOOO sincerely appreciated. I am going crazy here trying to figure out how this is possible!

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: Pivot Table Total doesn't match data total

    Will it be possible for you to attach a sample file (dummy data as long as the numbers & format matches your file) ?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Pivot Table Total doesn't match data total

    I actually can't, I really wish I could. I can't recreate the problem, and it is against company policy to attach company files. Any ideas?

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: Pivot Table Total doesn't match data total

    Do a File Save As on your file. In this new file, change whatever data is sensitive. Keep only the required columns that are affecting the problem. Then upload it.

  5. #5
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    Re: Pivot Table Total doesn't match data total

    I know it's a year + Late but I found my way here on Google, then found an answer. I expanded and collapsed the totals in the Pivot table and it recalculated correctly. If it's a huge file that might be time consuming, but it worked well with my ~1000 individual lines I was totaling into ~10 groups.

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