I am in an administrative position in which I have to run various Excel based reports on a daily and weekly basis. With the massive data reports, I have to then filter them down and create numerous pivot tables and extract specific data in order to make the information more viewer friendly. I am trying to streamline efficiency and of course make my job a little easier.

I was wondering if there was a way to create an Excel theme or a formatted Excel document that I could set up the parameters of the various pivot tables so all I would have to do is drop the updated massive data Excel report into a sheet and have the tables generate automatically? Is there a way to set up a pivot table with categorical filters so if I wanted to use a raw data file without editing the information i could exempt particular data from being counted within the tables?

Ideally I would like to have one raw data sheet, followed by five or more sheets with various tables that would extract information from the raw data. With this format, I would like to be able to simply run my data extraction report from our data system, and drop the updated information into the raw data sheet to have the subsequent tables updated.

If anyone has any information as to how this can be done, I would greatly appreciate your help.

Thank you.