I am attempting to create a Pivot Chart the has some fairly simple data. The rows/x-axis is for the date, and I will have up to 85 columns of data. I can create the pivot table easily enough, but I would like to display and plot each series on its own or grouped together. In other words, when in a meeting I would like to be able to select the data I want on the chart as a single plot or with multiple columns plotted at the same time. Any advice would be appreciated. The data is formatted something like this:
Date ColA ColB ColC ....
Jan 12 0 25 13
Feb 12 7 1 47
Mar 12 4 32 6

With the data formatted as above, I am Making the "Date" as the "Axis Fields (Categories)" and I would like to be able to simply select the data that goes into the legend/values fields as though I am using a filter. Is this possible?