
The scatter charts I have created do not plot the actual x-values of my data. Instead of using the data 2.34, 3.54, 4.45 for example, the values plotted are 1,2,3 etc. The charts work fine in other worksheets, but when I copy an old worksheet and add new data to it, the chart's messed up.

The chart is supposed to graph values from cells that contain expressions like:
=if(isblank($A18),"",HLOOKUP($D$4&"-5",INDIRECT("'Ein "&TEXT($D$4,0)&"'!$B$4:$G$31"),$A18,FALSE))

The IF function is used to simply clean up the table of data to display blank cells if I have no data. Because my data sets can vary in length, the chart's source data may include several cells that are blank. I have found that if I resize the chart source data to only include nonblank cells, the graph is correct. If I include even a single blank cell (that was made blank by the above formula), the actual x values are not plotted.

Other than manually changing the chart's source data to include only cells with actual data, is there a workaround my data to plot correctly?
