I have a pie chart showing 50 categories of calls a day. On the spreadsheet I have recalculated a column to change all category labels with <3% of the total to "Misc." Now I have a column with multiple Misc rows that I want to combine and then use the combined data with the other labels that have the top percentages to make the pie chart easier to read. I don't have a problem getting the data results, I just don't want all the data listed. Is there a simpler way to do this than to have to put all these multiple calculations on the spreadsheet? I have to show the original percentages in a spreadsheet I exported as a crosstab from Access. Can I manipulate the formula for the series directly in the pie chart to pull only data >=3% and to group all data <3% into one category? This gets updated daily and supplied to customers and I want to show as little data on the sheets as possible and do as little manual stuff daily as I can.