In Cell A1 I have the date. In Cell B1 is the shift. There are three shifts labeled as 1, 2, and 3. Is it possible to create a rule that will convert 1 to 0700, 2 to 1500, and 3 to 2300? Below is an example of how I need the shifts converted to time (military).

Current Format		Needed Format	
Date	Shift		        Date	         Time
4/15/2014	1		4/15/2014	7:00
4/16/2014	3		4/16/2014	23:00
4/17/2014	2		4/17/2014	15:00
4/18/2014	1		4/18/2014	7:00
4/19/2014	1		4/19/2014	7:00
4/20/2014	2		4/20/2014	15:00
4/21/2014	3		4/21/2014	23:00