This is my first post on this forum.
I've struggling with the following problem:
I have a master sheet to track results of test case execution of various features.
Each individual test results for a feature is in a different file named with the feature name, like feature1.xlsx, feature2.xlsx etc..
Inside each file, there is a sheet called "Testcases" which contains the execution details in some cells like L8 etc..
I want to use a formula to create the access to the values in each feature testcases sheet, by picking up the feature names from columnA
This is how my master sheet looks
ColumnA has the list of various features, In column B, I tried writing the string to access the values:

|A | B |
1 |Feature Name |%Total Execution|
2 |=INFO("directory") | |
3 |feature1 | =INDIRECT((CONCATENATE("'","$A2","[","$A3",".xlsx]","Testcases","'","!$L$8"))) |
4 |feature2 | =INDIRECT((CONCATENATE("'","$A2","[","$A4",".xlsx]","Testcases","'","!$L$8"))) |
I am only getting invalid reference error. Can someone please help?
Thanks in advance!!