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IF statements to find certain text and exclude certain text

  1. #1
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    IF statements to find certain text and exclude certain text


    I'm trying to set up a dashboard with a table and some formulas so that I can just copy a data export into one tab and have the table perform various Vlookups, charts, etc. The trouble I'm having is that some of my cells contain a mix of text, and I'm looking for specific text only. Example:

    Address | Tags | Result
    Email 1 |t1 t2 t3 t4 | Email 1
    Email 2 |t1
    Email 3 |t2 impact1 | Email 3
    Email 4 |impact2
    Email 5 |impact2 t2 | Email 5

    My data source has thousands of rows, and I'm looking at the Tags column. I want to use a Vlookup that gives me the email when [Tags] contains "t2", but my search is getting confused with "impact2". Is there a formula to search for "t2", but not get confused with "impact2"? I considered using =NOT, but I don't want to exclude cells just because they contain "impact2". If there was a formula for =IGNORE, that would be marvelous. Does anyone have a suggestion for this? My formulas are getting longer & longer, but they always seem to break in the end.

    Basically I'm trying something like:

    =IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("* t2*",Table1[Tags])),SEARCH("t2*",Table1[Tags])),"Yes","No")

    (Once I get the IF figured out, I'll use Vlookup to bring out the Address).


  2. #2
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    Re: IF statements to find certain text and exclude certain text

    Can you use TextToColumns to clean up the data before applying logic? I tend to find that is easier than developing complex logic to do it myself.
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