Good morning all,
I need some help here - I have a formula that counts if column A has '044' written in it and column W is blank - all good so far.
=COUNTIFS('[clean patient tracker.xls]Complete_ET_Status'!$A:$A,"044",'[clean patient tracker.xls]Complete_ET_Status'!$W:$W,"")
Now if this brings a result above zero i would like it to list the contents of column D on the corresponding row.

For example
Column A Column D Column W
044 123456 blank
044 000000 blank

The outcome would look something like this:
2 - 123456, 000000 (there are 2 044 in column A which are blank in column W and then it lists the corresponding numbers from column D)

I hope this makes sense and someone is able to help!

Kind regards