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Return column name for cell value

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Return column name for cell value

    I have a matrix of required training for job titles. The titles of the jobs are down column 2 of Sheet1. The required training titles are across row 1 as a header row. Required training is indicated by an "X" in the corresponding cell of "Job Title" and "Training Title."

    I have made a second sheet that I created a drop down list of job titles, referencing the titles in sheet 1. In the cells underneath that job title, I want to automatically display the required training titles once I choose a job.

    Most of the info I have found refers to looking up a cell value based on row and column. But not column name based on row name and cell value. If anyone has any info on how I should write this, please let me know. I'd appreciate anything I can get.

  2. #2
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    Re: Return column name for cell value

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    Ben Van Johnson

  3. #3
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    Re: Return column name for cell value

    Apache Training Matrix.xlsx

    Thank you for the help.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Return column name for cell value

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    copied in rows 2 = 28. Notice you will have to use a filter to hide blank rows.
    "JobTitles" is a named range in matrix column B2:196

    MATCH($A$1,JobTitles,0) returns the matrix row where the Data Val item is located.
    ROW()+1, returns the row that the formula itself is in and points to the matrix column. The formulas are in rows 2 - 28, so the row 2 formula will look in column 3 ("C"), etc.
    So, if you select "Blasting Crew - Sand" match returns row 12. The INDEX(Table1,MATCH($A$1,JobTitles,0),ROW()+1) in A2 will check row 12 column 3 of the matrix for "XX", if yes then INDEX('Apache Training Matrix'!$C$1:$AC$1,1,ROW()-1), will return the contents of first cell in the array, C1, i.e., "Job Specific...'
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    Last edited by protonLeah; 10-28-2014 at 02:00 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Return column name for cell value

    Thank you for the help. I do have a question though. Apache is the company that you saw their existing required training matrix. I have other companies that I need to do the same thing for. I figured it would be as easy as changing a few values and references in the formula. The new matrix I am referencing goes to AE instead of AC. When it goes beyond to 29 rows or more of training requirements, I get #REF! errors. I don't see anything indicating 1-28 in the formula. Why wouldn't it just extend out and get the data?

  6. #6
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Return column name for cell value

    Your Table1 has range A3:AC197.You will have to modify the table to include two more columns: A3:AE197, or create a new tablex and update the formulas.

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