Hi all,

I have a teeny problem that I'd really want rectified without the use of a Macro (if possible)...

I have one big Report that I want to 'automatically feed' into another. The big report has thousands of lines of data. In this, I am looking for the name of a worker, whether they have completed a review and if so, I want to pull the name of the client through. I have successfully done this via this coding:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Adrienne",'[TOP COMPLIANCE MASTER RAW DATA 2015.2016.xls]Working Data'!F:F)),'[TOP COMPLIANCE MASTER RAW DATA 2015.2016.xls]Working Data'!A:A,"")

As you can see, the big Raw Master Data file feeds into my smaller Worker Compliance report. I have kept ' ,"") ' at the end as I did not want to return any text (FALSE etc,) if my criteria wasn't met.

My problem is thus. Out of the 6000 lines of data, one worker *Adrienne* has completed 176 reviews. Whilst this information has pulled through correctly on her Worker Compliance report, I also have thousands of lines with 'blank' information in. i.e, on the Raw Data Report, Adrienne's 1st client review lands on Row 43. When the formula is applied on her Worker Compliance report, she has 42 blank rows of data before seeing her client name... I need the list to start at F2, not F43 with further jumps inbetween.

I could theoretically then go in and filter/remove blanks, but if I'm doing this I may as well just copy/paste the information over - which is what I was doing in the beginning.

Is there anyway that I can keep this type of formula but have it feed into specified cells on the Worker Spreadsheet (thus not creating blanks?)

Thanks in advance!!