
basic overview
11 worksheets
1st worksheet is a master view of the other 10 worksheets
other 10 worksheets are individual employees

on the master worksheet i have a running total of how long all the employees have been on duty to the current computer time (NOW) which is also referencing =TODAY(). My issue is that I have third shift employees, so for example if Employee A comes into work at 22:00 it will continually calculate how long he has been on duty untill midnight when =TODAY() changes to the next day. after midnight his running total on the master worksheet goes blank (as it is trying to reference the cell from the new day which has yet to be filled in). His individual tab still calculates correctly, but i need the master worksheet to work as well.

question, is there a way to have some sort of IF statement? my current formula that pulls his duty time info from his individual worksheet is =VLOOKUP($E$5,Rivera!$B$12:$L$468,9). Cell $E$5 =TODAY(). can I adjust this formula so that it continues to pull information from yesterday if todays "start time" hasnt been filled in?

I have attached a bare bones spreadsheet as an example.

the data i need adjusted, if it can be done, is on the Master Worksheet tab under Call D26. it reverences Rivera's worksheet on cell J12 on down. Duty Time in is on the C column and Time out in the H column.