Hi all,

Was hoping someone could provide some help with a problem I've been working on. I have a data set that contains very similar data save for one or 2 characters. I'm trying to isolate those characters using a formula but can't seem to figure out a proper way to do that.

For example

Example 1

Cell 1 - CARA123
Cell 2 - CARA123#

(in this example, i'd like the cell to indicate # as the unmatched character)

Example 2

Cell 1 - ARNA<
Cell 2 - ARNA

(in this example, i'd like the cell to indicate < as the unmatched character)

Another possibility that may solve my dilemma is a formuala that will compare each character in the cell one by one and only bring back the results starting where the differences occur.

For example

Cell 1 - ARNAFED123
Cell 2 - ARNABED123

The formula would then bring back BED123 as the answer (as the B was the point where the 2 cells "became unmatched").

Any help provided would be greatly appreciated.