Hello All! I'm new here. This is my first post. Just found you and am so glad to find brains to "pick"!

I am trying to set up a calculation page so I can take the stamped times from an individual's time card, plug them in, and it will total the hours, plus budget out certain percentages of the total time to different budget slots.

I have the hours totaling working correctly and can get an accurate total on those. Where I'm having trouble is budgeting out the time.

TOTAL 39:25

Admin..........27:35 ..........27.48..........70%

....................39:25 <--Excel's Total

The first column of numbers above, is Excel calculating the percentage of the hours. My formula, for the first one (admin) is: "i23*.70"....with i23 being the cell that the 39.25 is in.
The second column is done on a caclulator (39.25 X 70%=27.48)
I've filled in the same with the other 2 job categories usng 15%.
Why is there a difference in the two numbers?
I have the first columns formatted thusly - [h]:mm
As you can see...Excel totals the first column correctly to the 39.25. But if I take those 3 numbers, and add them up on the calculator I get= 38.43
If I put those 3 numbers in the payroll system I will be ".82" short. In other words, I need Excel to calculate the first column the same as the second column.

Is this possible???